Dezember 10, 2013

le mois en livre #11/13

Ganz zum Novemberwetter passend haben sich ein paar mehr gemütliche Lesezeiten ergeben. Begonnen habe ich mit "Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore", das mich besonders (ich geb's ja zu!) wegen seines schönen Covers angelacht hat. Netterweise war dieses Buch von Robin Sloan auch noch ein wirklich unterhaltsames Werk, das ich sehr schnell weggelesen habe. Kann ich empfehlen. 
Darauf folgten dann drei Bücher von Ben Aaronovitch. Seine "Rivers of London" Serie habe ich blöderweise mit dem dritten Band "Whispers Underground" begonnen, hatte danach aber Lust den Mix aus Zauberei und London weiter zu verfolgen und habe auch "Rivers of London" und "Moon over Soho" gelesen. Der Schreibstil und die Hintergrundinfos zu London, die man mal eben nebenbei bekommt, waren besonders ansprechend für mich... unterhaltsam, wenn auch nicht immer überraschend genug.

Robin Sloan
Clay Jannon loses his job as a Web Designer and to earn his living he takes up a job at Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore. The shop is never closed, barely sells any modern books and has some strange regular customers. Soon Clay stumbles upon some unusual things and with the help of his friends he's planning to find out what it's all about.
Between old dusty book shelves and the high-tech Silicon Valley Sloan easily draws you into this adventure and with his way of story telling you can't stop yourself from wanting to read "just another chapter" until its end. A really fun and entertaining read!

Ben Aaronovitch 
File:Rivers of London.jpg
Peter Grant works for the Metropolitan Police in London and after having met a ghost he is recruted to a tiny special branch dealing with the supernatural. He eventually becomes a wizard's apprentice and his first cases deal with the gods of the river Thames and a force that is turning ordinary people into killers. 
The writing style of Aaronovitch is refreshing and you can almost hear the character's conversations. I loved learning more about London's history in passing and the first book of this series definetely leaves you wanting more.

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Peter Grant is called yet to another unusual crime scene when a journalist is brutally murdered in a Soho Club. He's also kept busy by a series of Jazz musicians who die shortly after their performances. Although their deaths appear to be natural he gets this certain feel that magic might have been involved.
You get drawn even more into Grant's world as you learn more about his boss, family and friends. Something is missing there, although i could not put my finger on what exactly, but you are well entertained.

File:Whispers Under Ground.jpg
An American art student is found dead at a Tube Station and Grant has to deal with yet another supernatural killer. His research draws him deeply into London's underground world and its magical secrets.
I made the mistake to start into the series with the third book and did not get all of the connections to the other two. I liked the style and the idea enough to want to read the other books. Entertaining.

5 Kommentare:

  1. ha, ich hab dummerweise mit "Moon over Soho" angefangen und versuche nun auch die Serie mal von vorne zu beginnen. In Band eins wird übrigens meine englische Heimat Staines auch mal erwähnt was an sich schon erstaunlich ist :-)

  2. Teil 1 von Peter Grant hab ich gelesen, fand ich genial! In Teil 2 bin ich steckengeblieben :-/ Hat mich gar nicht gefesselt.

  3. Vor dem Rivers of London stand ich neulich auch. Vielleicht sollte ich es mir doch noch kaufen....

  4. Hab von der Trilogie noch gar nichts gehört, aber die Mischung klingt ja echt gut...


  5. Ich denke "Rivers of London" werde ich mal ausprobieren.


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